As Autumn is now upon us, CFAC have come up with a few ideas to keep you and your family busy this autumn.
Here are some ideas CFAC found for things to do this Autumn:
Leaf Collecting: There are so many different ways to help kids learn about Trees. Leaf collecting is a fun exercise. It’s also a great way to teach kids about leaves. After all, they‘re practically everywhere: on trees-shrubs, flowers and sometimes they’re even on our plates- lettuce leaves, spinach leaves and cabbages!!
Kids love to be creative so why not have them create a leaf collage with their leaf collection. Simply just glue them on to a large piece of paper and put them on display.
Fun bug Activities: Many bugs are colourful, either to attract mates or to appear poisonous to their predators. Allow kids to explore these interesting colours by creating their own whimsical bug. Use coloured paper and let them cut or tear pieces to form the various parts of their bug. This is actually an ideal activity for explaining the different parts of an insect. You can talk about their legs, head, wings, feelers, eyes, etc. Once they have arranged their bug parts, allow them to glue the pieces onto a large piece of black paper. This helps the colourful bug stand out. The kids can also label the parts of their bug using pieces of white paper. Be sure to hang up their finished bug!
Collecting Conkers: The best thing to do during Autumn time is to wrap up warm with your friends and family and see who can collect the most conkers!
This is an adventurous activity for you and your families to do this year, as there are lots of fun ways you can enjoy the conkers you have collected.
CFAC have found ten things you could do with your conkers!! Click on the link below to find some exciting ideas you can try!
Visit Bristol Museum and Art Gallery- This museum offers free entry, so why not take the family out for the day, by visiting the region’s largest museum and art gallery that is guaranteed to inspire you.
The Georgian House Museum- The Georgian house is an 18th century, six storey townhouse that has been restored and decorated to its original glory.
The house was built in 1790 for John Pinney, a wealthy slave plantation owner and sugar merchant, it was also where the enslaved African, Pero lived. It is displayed as it might have looked in the 18th century and provides an insight into life above and below stairs. Imagine the busy kitchen where servants prepared meals, taking a dip in the cold-water plunge pool and relaxing in the elegant upstairs rooms.
With free admission this could be an educational learning day for you and all the family.
M-Shed- For the first time, Bristol has a museum dedicated to telling the amazing history of the city, through the objects and stories of the people who have made the city what it is today. Free admission
Finding Autumn Recipes- CFAC have found some delicious autumn recipes you can try making this year, with recipes on how to make mince pies, pasta bakes, soup recipes, brownie recipes and lots more!